Hey There! Alright. Lemme start by say that the combat of this map has heavy modifications opposed to the core game. This does Not mean that it is a n00b mod with ub3r l33t psycho damage weapons and drugs everywhere! Ive tried to make weapon damage Vs. hit points alot more "realistic" which means what im looking for is to get away from those: Sqaudie hits enemy-enemy hits squaddie -Sqaudie hits enemy Etc. until one dies and you then jack up on your multitude of stimpacks, situations. :-). A good rifle or SMG burst from a short distance isnt something you want in this map. Pistols and SMGs are balanced to be just as good as most rifles, if you use them right. A grenade will outright kill or bitch-maim enemies instead of just wounding them for some 30-40 damage. Heavy weapons will rip you apart. A hit close/medium range from a minigun almost surely means death. So what im trying to impart here is that this map offers high lethality for your hours spent on it :-). !:NOTICE:! !:NOTICE:! !:NOTICE:! !:NOTICE:! !:NOTICE:! The most important thing I would like you, dear player, to notice is my great alteration of the way stimpacks work! Stimpacks will do a considerable higher amount of healing, but the the downside to this will be that they also take that same amount back again by poison damage. Normal stimpacks now heal a random of 35 to 45, give 3 normal resist and boost your AP by 2 (Not for a period, just recharges 2 AP instantly) Then after about 2 minutes the character will be poisnend for about 30-40 damage. Ultra and superstimpacks are altered as well and will do pretty much the same as normal stims just better, but will also leave a withdrawel period similar to drugs. To avoid players from over using stims ive rigged it so that using more than 3-4 normal stims will leave your squaddie dead or almost dead from poison damage. So what im saying is, the more stims you use at once - the higher amount posion damage you accumalate. I urge you not to use more than 1 super or ultra stimpack at a time, unless youre going for a kamikazi run or have medic ready to heal shortly afterwards. !:NOTICE:! !:NOTICE:! !:NOTICE:! !:NOTICE:! !:NOTICE:! Also please notice that this map was designed for CTB combat on the Normal diffiuclty setting!! Play on TB or other difficulty settings has not been tested. So dont complain if it aint funny or challenging that way! ;) Bugs/problems: Since the minimap was to big ro render or whatnot, the map doesnt contain one, sorry! If you find any bugs or erros please tell me so I can correct them and re-release the map! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How to: Unzip the file to the directory you have FOT Installed for excample: C:\Program Files\14 Degrees East\Fallout Tactics Make sure the folder Forty-six is within the root dir Fallout Tactics and not inside the core folder. To play, you will need to make a copy of your FO:T shortcut and add -path Forty-six to the end of the shortcut destination. Open the game with your new -path Forty-six and select "Single Player" then "Custom Mission". Then find mission called Shrine and fire it up! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Special thanks goes out to OTB, Max-violence, JimmyJay86, Red, Flamescreen -> and all the others on the DAC Mapping forum who toil everyday to make FO:T a better game :-). Thanks for helping me out when I needed it! A note of credit goes to Senor Deluxe for his very spiffy portrait pack that I used some of in my map! And thank you for dowloading my map! Hope you have as much fun playing it as I had making and testing it!!